

NERIO, ónis, sieh Neria.

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  • Nerio — war eine Göttin der römischen Religion. Ihr Name stammt aus dem Sabinischen und bedeutet „stark“. Sie wurde zusammen mit Mars verehrt und deshalb ab dem 2. Jahrhundert v. Chr. unter dem Einfluss griechischer mythologischer Vorstellungen als seine …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Nerĭo — Nerĭo, im römischen Kult Genossin des Mars, später für seine Gattin gehalten und bald mit Minerva, bald mit Venus identifiziert …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Nerio — m Italian: from Greek Nēreus, the name (of uncertain derivation) of a divinity of the sea. This was the name in the 1st century of a Roman soldier who was baptized by St Paul and exiled with Sts Achilleus and Flavia …   First names dictionary

  • NERIO — rionis, vel Neriene, et apud antiquissimos Neria, Martis uxor. Gell. l. 13. c. 22. docet Sabinum esse vocabulum. quô significatur virtus et fortitudo, unde et pro vi, potestate et maiestate Martis accipitur. Plautus in Truculento, Actu 2. sc. 6.… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • nério — s. m. Nome científico do loendro …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • Nerio — In ancient Roman religion and myth, Nerio was an ancient war goddess and the personification of valor. She was the partner of Mars in ancient cult practices, and was sometimes identified with the goddess Bellona, and occasionally with the goddess …   Wikipedia

  • Nerio — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Nerio (homonymie). Nerio est, dans l ancienne religion romaine, une divinité guerrière, d origine sabine[1]. Son nom vient de la racine indo européenne *ner , qui porte l idée de force et de vaillance[2]. Elle… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Nerio Alessandri — Born Nerio Alessandri August 1961, 1961 (1961 08 1961) (age 50) Gatteo, FC, Italia Nationality Italian Occupation Entrepreneur …   Wikipedia

  • Nerio I Acciaioli — (full name Rainerio; died 25 September 1394) was as Italian aristocrat from Florence who rose to power in Frankish Greece during the last decades of the fourteenth century, eventually becoming Duke of Athens. Nerio was the son of Jacopo Acciaioli …   Wikipedia

  • Nerio II Acciaioli — (1416–1451) was the Duke of Athens[1] on two separate occasions from 1435 to 1439 and again from 1441 to 1451. He was a member of the Acciaioli family of Florence, the son of Francesco Acciaioli, Lord of Sykaminon. His rule was contemporaneous… …   Wikipedia

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