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  • Biblidinae — Taxobox name = Biblidinae image width = 240px image caption = Orange banded shoemaker butterfly Catonephele orites regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda classis = Insecta ordo = Lepidoptera unranked familia = Rhopalocera superfamilia =… …   Wikipedia

  • Angeronia — ANGERONIA, æ, eine Göttinn der Römer, welche auch Angerona genannt wird, und zwar entweder von angina, oder angendo, oder angoribus; Voss. Etymol. sub. Angeronia p. 34. daher sie fälschlich Ageronia von einigen geschrieben wird. Sie war aber auch …   Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon

  • lepidopteran — /lep i dop teuhr euhn/, adj. 1. lepidopterous. n. 2. a lepidopterous insect. [1850 55; LEPIDOPTER(A) + AN] * * * Any of the more than 100,000 species constituting the order Lepidoptera (Greek: scaly wing ): butterflies, moths, and skippers. The… …   Universalium

  • reproductive behaviour — In animals, any activity directed toward perpetuation of a species. Sexual reproduction, the most common mode, occurs when a female s egg is fertilized by a male s sperm. The resulting unique combination of genes produces genetic variety that… …   Universalium

  • Hamadryas (butterfly) — The genus name Hamadryas has been invalidly established for many other genera, including other butterflies. For details, see Hamadryas. Cracker butterflies Hamadryas amphinome (The red cracker) …   Wikipedia

  • AGENORIA — Dea a Romanis sic dicta, quod ad agendum excitaret. Glossar. vetus, Ageronia, ἡ ςθεὸς βουλῆς καὶ καιρῶν. Iani uxor Capellae. Item Agerona, industriae Dea, ut Stenua, et Stimula. Templum habebat, in monte Aventino. Liv. l. 1. c. 33. Plin. l. 15. c …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • ANGERONA feu ANGERONIA — ANGERONA, feu ANGERONIA dubium an sit ab augina, cui praeerat, an ab angendo, sive angoribus, quibus medebatur. Sed ἀναλογία magis faver posteriori etymo, ut Angeronia sit ab ango, quomodo a pello Pellonia, apud Arnobium l. 4. a populor,… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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